Family Self-Sufficiency
Helping families with housing vouchers reach lasting financial stability.
The Family Self Sufficiency program (FSS) is a voluntary program that helps families with Section 8 housing vouchers in Greater Boston increase their earnings and build assets. The program has a financial incentive in the form of an escrow savings account, and a coaching component designed to help participants access services and overcome barriers on the way to achieving their goals.

Family Self-Sufficiency Coaching (FSS)

One Family, in partnership with Metro Housing|Boston, delivers Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program services to families with Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) in Greater Boston. Together, our agencies empower families to achieve economic independence through comprehensive career, education, financial, and homeownership coaching. Each year, we proudly serve approximately 240 families, with all FSS participants working closely with a dedicated One Family coach to support their education, career, and asset-building goals.
Benefits include:
Free one-on-one coaching
Free homeownership workshops
An escrow savings account, which automatically builds savings for you while you are in the program
Access to community resources (like food, childcare, utilities, and more)
​To enroll in One Family's FSS program, you must:
Be part of a household with a Housing Choice Voucher with Metro Housing|Boston
Be 18 years or older
Be in good standing with your housing provider
How can I learn more about FSS?
Please watch this video from our partners at Compass Working Capital for more information on the FSS program in general:
Interested in joining the Family Self- Sufficiency Program?
If you are not currently an FSS participant with Metro Housing|Boston and would like to learn more about enrolling in the FSS program, please email for more information.
If you have a Section 8 voucher but not from Metro Housing|Boston, please follow this link to find an FSS program you may be eligible for.
If you are a Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) voucher holder, this unfortunately is not the same voucher you need to be eligible for this program; however, there is a similar program to the FSS program for MRVP holders called the Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP) that you may be eligible for. Please reach out to your housing agency for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect from my FSS Coach?
One Family coaches help participants set and achieve their career, education, homeownership and/or financial goals.
Coaching sessions are personalized to meet your needs.
Coaching sessions are held at least once every three months.
Coaches also help remove barriers by helping you access community resources (like food, childcare, utility support, etc.).
What types of goals can a participant have in the program?
As an FSS participant, you choose the goals you want to work on in the program. Some examples of goals include but are not limited to:
Finding a job
Increasing your Income
Pursuing educational goals (like college or a certification)
Becoming a homeowner
Building or improving your credit
Creating a debt repayment plan
What is an escrow account?
An escrow account is a special type of savings account that gets created for participants in the FSS program.
When a family with a housing voucher increases their income, it usually results in their paying a higher out-of-pocket amount for rent. In the FSS program, however, as a family’s annual earned income increases and their rent is subsequently increased, a portion of that rent increase is set aside for them in an escrow account every month. They can then access the money they have saved when they complete the program, and use that money for major purchases like a house or a car, or to achieve their other goals.
How do you start escrowing?
Participants start to "escrow" (accumulate money in their escrow account) when there is an increase in their household’s earned income, they have notified Metro Housing|Boston (MH|B) of this income change, and had their rent re-calculated.
When can a participant get the money from their escrow account?
Participants will receive a check when they graduate from FSS. Most participants are in the program for five years.
Can I take money out of my escrow account before I graduate?
If a participant needs money to pay for something related to one of their FSS goals – like books for school, or a car repair so they can drive to work, or a T pass, Metro Housing|Boston can approve a withdrawal from their escrow account before graduation. If you need money for utility bills or other household expenses, One Family may be able to connect you to resources for those bills, but escrow cannot be used for utility payments.
How much money can be saved in my escrow account?
There is no limit to the amount you can save!​
What can a participant use the money in their escrow account for?
Once a participant has met all the graduation requirements of the FSS program, they receive a check and can use their escrow savings however they wish! It is their money and they earned it. Many participants choose to use it to pay off debt, make payments towards a house or car, or make other major purchases.
What does graduating from FSS mean?
To graduate from the FSS program, you must:
Meet all goals set in your Individual Training Service Plan (ITSP) before your Contract of Participation (COP) end date.
Be employed at the time of graduation.
Be in compliance with your lease.
No one in the household can receive cash welfare (such as TANF) at the time of graduation.
I have more questions. Who should I reach out to?
For questions about the FSS program in general, you can reach out to the FSS team at Metro Housing|Boston at
For questions about One Family’s coaching services, you can reach out to One Family's FSS team at